Few people will argue against property being a great investment and a Cyprus apartment either as a holiday home or a long term project is no exception. Traditionally property always seems to be just that little more expensive than you think you can afford in terms of loan or mortgage repayments and this is usually enough to put most would be Cyprus apartment owners off before they even get started. There are however ways to overcome such barriers even for Mr and Mrs average buyer if you do some homework before hand. As the old saying goes "there is more than one way to skin a cat" and the same goes when buying a Cyprus apartment.
Most folks will have some equity in their prime residence against which they could raise at least enough for a 20-30% deposit against an apartment in Cyprus without it costing them the earth in extra repayments on their mortgage. It is argued that the cheapest way to borrow over the long term is by this form of raising capital against your existing property. weight loss programs securing extra borrowing against the family home should always be approached with caution and forethought. But at least they would be investing the money into a Cyprus apartment which should in turn build equity into that investment rather than buying disposable items like cars or holidays that will show no return whatsoever.